Androids are synthetic beings that resemble humans appearing in Detroit: Become Human. They are mass produced for various purposes by the CyberLife company founded by Elijah Kamski and sold throughout the United States with the slogan "Designed by CyberLife, assembled in Detroit."
- Note: Unless stated otherwise, the article refers to CyberLife-created androids. Various android model numbers without their own article redirect here; do not remove/bypass those redirects when editing.
Android Technology
CyberLife androids are machines that closely mimic humans in appearance and structure. Internally they feature biocomponents, synthetic organs that roughly mirror the organ systems of humans, and Thirium 310 or "blue blood" that circulates energy and electronic information throughout the android body. Thirium 310 is impossible to see with the naked eye once evaporated.
In their basic form, androids appear as bare, plastic-white human bodies, with a few sections colored in gray or blue. The human-like outer skin is made up of a synthetic fluid that covers the body; the androids' hair is similarly generated. The outer skin and hair can be activated and deactivated partially or fully, switching between the human and plastic-white appearance. This retraction or deactivation is controllable by the android, but also happens in case of damage, due to the fluid automatically retracting or due to the damage itself. At least some models can alter their appearance with this, such as change their hair color at will (e.g., AX400).[1]
On their right temple, they bear a circular LED that visibly identifies them as androids and lights up in blue, yellow, or red, depending to their mental processing and condition. It can also be removed by forcing it out, making them look authentically close to a human.
Android brains are highly advanced, giving them the processing power to work like and interact with humans on an equal level or above. For example, the RT600 Chloe's brain is capable of performing "several billion billion operations per second"[2], or exaflops, with the newest models able to perform several exaflops. Recent new police androids in 2038 like the RK800 (Connor) have prodigious mental processing and perception capabilities, notably allowing them to analyze a crime scene and virtually reconstruct it in their minds based on analysis of gathered evidence. Due to his advanced ocular scanning system, he can see Thirium 310 blood and tell exact model and serial number of any android. Other androids have different capabilities but the majority of them are capable to recognize individuals and objects with speed not much slower than human reaction time.
At the back of the neck, visible as a dark spot on skinless androids, is a port that enables connecting to the android via cable.[3]
Androids are capable of—wirelessly and by touch—interfacing with technology, communications systems, and other androids. When interfacing with something by touch, the android's skin locally deactivates. As such they can directly make phone calls or place online shopping orders. Androids can silently speak wirelessly among themselves and can access or share information and memory by touch.[1]
It is unclear if and how androids replenish their energy. The short film "KARA" refers to her being equipped with a battery "making [her] autonomous for 173 years", but as this is a proto-canon detail it might not be accurate in the present game.
Androids may emulate human temperature, but can be distinguished from humans with a thermal scanner.[4]
Androids are waterproof. Exposure to low temperatures and freezing environments may hinder their activity and can lead to critical damage to biocomponents, freezing them.[4] Various models with specific purposes are constructed to be hardier or stronger than the average android; designed to transverse in dangerous environments, including androids being sent into space for exploration.
Androids may enter a dormant state, some androids that simulate human needs may exhibit a sleeping pattern. Certain models such as a YK500 have a switch that can deactivate and reactivate itself in short time.
Androids are built to feel no pain, although their design to duplicate humans completely enables them to have human-like reactions to damages that come to their biocomponents physically.[5]
Androids are never seen to eat human foods; it is unknown if there are models that can simulate eating. However, one possible way of replenishing blue blood for androids is to ingest it orally.[6]
Androids are fitted with a tracker enabling CyberLife to locate them. Once an android becomes deviant, the tracker stops working, for reasons unknown (claimed by Zlatko Andronikov).[3]
Androids' basic shapes and outer skins are designed to match a variety of human genders, ethnicities, races, and ages. A model may often have a single or signature appearance (at least as shown in game), but one model can also come in different "looks". On the other hand, a single "look" may be used and repeated across different models. For example, the WR400 and AP700 are shown in multiple looks.
The first androids were perfect in both face and expressions, but the creators noticed this made people uncomfortable due to the uncanny valley, as stated by Jason Graff, director of humanization department of CyberLife. Much effort has been put by CyberLife into "humanizing" its androids by replicating a naturalistic human look and feel, to create the perfect human imitation, as well as preventing people from feeling uncomfortable around them.
CyberLife then proceeded to analyze thousands of voices to find the most pleasing tones. Realistic blinking was perfected—though totally unnecessary—along with breathing and facial hair. In times of an extreme energy shortage or error, malfunctioning androids would stop using humanistic tones, emitting a more machine-like tone of voice.[7]
Androids have no fingerprints and thus do not leave any (in the forensic sense).
Androids are manufactured by machines in automated CyberLife plants entirely based in Detroit. The removable parts, such as the limbs, are 3D-printed, assembled on a production line, and then the embedded synthetic skin is activated conforming to the specific model's appearance. A human operator initializes the android, checks the baseline cognitive abilities with a pre-established protocol. Any non-standard or defective androids are (usually) detected, then are deactivated and disassembled for analysis. Finally, the android is packaged and delivered to a CyberLife store to be sold.
CyberLife androids are developed in different series and models. The model number is usually composed of a two-letter series identifier and a three digit number (e.g., AP400 and AP700 are both AP-series models). The model number can optionally be spelled with a hyphen between the letters and digits, which doesn't affect the meaning (e.g., AP700 or AP-700). A few models deviate from the model name standard, having a differing amount of letters and digits. Most humanoid models have 00 as the last two digits of the model number.
Each individual android also has a personal serial number, nine digits long and prefaced by a number sign (#). This string may be expanded by another two digits, separated by a hyphen from the nine-digit number.
The model and serial number information are carried in some form in their Thirium 310 blood, allowing the forensic identification of specific androids by their blood.
Entire models, groups, or individual androids are also given vernacular names by CyberLife or by their owners.
Androids are required by the American Androids Act to bear identifiers to clearly distinguish them from humans: the temple-LED and wearing a specific mode of dress. This includes a neon light blue armband and a triangle on the front and back, and the model number. This rule applies to public spaces; in private residences androids can be dressed as the owner chooses.
CyberLife androids commonly wear uniforms and uniform-like clothes adhering to a recognizable style with specific shapes, cuts, and colors. The uniforms bear the required identifiers and often have dynamic display surfaces.
In addition to the model number, their clothes may also show the android's serial number, name, company information, and CyberLife branding ("Designed by CyberLife, built in Detroit."). If an android is working the uniform may also display its status.
While androids are usually created in the image of humans (as their name implies), animal "androids" also exist. CyberLife creates them using the same technology as the humanoid androids, but to resemble animals and simulate animal behavior. They are used as pets and in displays, with plans to open an android zoo.
LEDs are seen on some animal androids, for instance, a pet parakeet model has an LED on its right temple.
The first intelligent androids were developed by Elijah Kamski, who in 2018 founded the company CyberLife for that purpose. Enabled by the crucial development of Thirium 310, their model RT600 "Chloe" was the first android to pass the Turing test in 2022.
In 2024 CyberLife started the commercial production of androids in their Detroit plant, beginning with the personal assistant model ST200 "Chloe". Use and demand of androids rapidly spread and by 2027 one million CyberLife androids had been sold, the improvements in manufacturing and demand decreasing the cost of a simple android to just four figures, enabling its purchase by an even wider customer base. To set a legal framework for the fast-spreading android technology, the United States government passed the American Androids Act in 2029. In 2031, androids were first purchased for the US infantry and law enforcement assistance.[8]
Androids have been sent to space, and in 2038 NASA was planning the first all-android mission that was supposed to send five androids on a three-year, one-way journey to Jupiter's moon Io.[9]
CyberLife also developed animal "androids" (a slight misnomer, as the name implies human shape). These ranged from pets to wild animals, even extinct ones. In 2038, CyberLife opened a zoo in Detroit[10], with another to open in Los Angeles, which would exhibit all species gone extinct in the last 30 years.[11]
By 2038, the number of active CyberLife androids is given as "120 million"[12], and as "more than fifty million androids sold in America alone"[13].
In 2038, it was noticed that an increasing number of androids began showing deviant behavior, leading to the events of the game Detroit: Become Human.
In society
Androids in the U.S. are considered objects and thus do not have legal personhood or rights equal to humans. They are regulated by the American Androids Act.
Androids have become a staple of public and private life, being used in large numbers in a variety of functions, and have replaced a large number of the human workforce. Public reception of androids has been mixed. While many benefit from and enjoy the use of androids, others are unsettled by and wary of the nature, implications, and potential repercussions, and as such have social or religious objections. The increasing number of androids being put into the workforce push out human workers or otherwise make them become obsolete, leading to record unemployment at 28%, which is a major cause of resentment of androids. Much of Detroit's population looks upon androids with disdain.
Androids are segregated from humans in some spaces, such as using separate pathways or stairways and having distinct Android Compartments on public transportation. Various places do not permit entry to androids, seen e.g. in some restaurants and bars. In public spaces Android Temporary Parking stations are provided (in Detroit by the Detroit City Department of Transportation).
Androids are utilized in an almost all-encompassing breadth of life and job sectors. They are domestic staff, shop assistants, office work, laborers, mechanics, entertainers, medical staff, teachers from elementary up to university, unarmed[14] law enforcement. Kamski mentions they account for more than 80% of university professors and 63% of medical staff.
The military also uses androids; for these, the weapons prohibition possibly seems to be exempt in some form.[15] Worries about amoral decisions made by android have arisen, including the expectation of increased civilian casualty due to incapability to evaluate life-and-death situation in the battlefield for a machine which aims to accomplish tasks.
As they are not people, sexual activity with androids does not fall victim to U.S. anti-prostitution laws, enabling the legal commercial use of sex androids, such as in the Eden Club.[14]
The widespread communication of androids with humans, called "command-led talking", is characterized by instructions and orders, rather than persuasion, humor or intimacy. This causes weakening of human persuasion skill through lack of use. This phenomenon has also fostered a young generation with highly limited social skills.
Androids have been suspected to be used as a monitoring tool for government, and CyberLife has always refused to disclose the information androids gather and where the information is sold to.
CyberLife lately began the sale of androids designated to fulfill the sexual and emotional need, branded as "intimate partners". It was a phenomenal success and a seeming unlikely gamble that paid off. Some individuals resort to finding an android partner and this has an effect on not increasing the low birth rate and keeping a high divorce rate. Also, it raises serious questions about roles androids to play in the society.
The music market has generally been out of the grasp of human-only organizations, with only less than 5% of market produced by human musicians. Opinions of human-only recording labels are diminishing as a result.
Events in the year 2038 may lead, depending on player choices, to a major upheaval in the status quo and changes in public opinion of androids, for better or worse.
International situation
Outside of the United States, Russia and China each also developed android technology of their own following the production of CyberLife androids and put them to use.
Russia's android manufacturers rely on more traditional construction methods due to failing to emulate the blue-blood model of design. The resulting machines are less anthropic but capable of operating in cold, sub-zero temperatures, and inhospitable conditions.[16][17]
China's androids use an alternate blue-blood fluid with less upfront power generation, but greater efficiency. The result is androids capable of operating for months without supervision or recharging in China's vast rural areas.[16]
Canada neither allows androids nor does it permit their sale. Unlike the U.S., they do not have comprehensive legislation passed on the issue and keep postponing it. Existing androids in the country have no official status.[18]
The European Union has prohibited the importation of Androids which resemble a "human form". (source?)
List of android models
- For individual androids, see also Category:Androids.
Example Image | Model | Details | Examples | Release Date |
AC700 | Commercial android designed as a sports partner. | Seen assisting a runner in Shades of Color. | ||
AC900 | Presumably a newer model android designed as a sports partner. (source?) | #8427g leg owner in From the Dead. | ||
AF200 | Designed as a family caretaker (source?) | #6312t leg owner in From the Dead. | ||
AJ700 | Presumably designed for home assistance. | Seen on the cover of "Is Your Android Spying on You?" and with a holo-tagger during Markus' Demonstration. | ||
AK700 | Typical domestic android (source?) | Owner of optical unit in From the Dead. | ||
AL series model | Presumably designed as a household assistant though its purpose isn't stated. | Gordon Lopez's android | ||
AP400 | Designed for home assistance. | Seen on display in Capitol Park. | ||
AP700 | CyberLife's current flagship home assistant model; starting at $8999. | AP700 #480 913 802 | ||
AV500 | Commercial android designed for customer service. | AV500 #234 777 821 | ||
AX200 | Possibly designed for janitorial and office maintenance. | Seen on the uniform package that Markus obtains in The Stratford Tower | ||
AX400 | Common model designed to take care of the housework and look after young children; starting at $899. | Kara | 2032 | |
AX700 | Designed for home assistance. | Seen on display in Capitol Park. | ||
AX800 | Possibly designed for janitorial and office maintenance. | Seen on the uniform package that Markus obtains in The Stratford Tower | ||
AZ110 | Designed for childcare. | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
BL100 | Designed as an intimate partner. | Seen on display in Capitol Park. | ||
BV500 | An older android model. | Parts marked down by half in Android Zone ads. | ||
CP100 | Designed for childcare and tutoring. | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
CX100 | Designed for domestic assistance. | Seen on display in Capitol Park. | ||
EM400 | Specially designed for children's entertainment in amusement parks; known for their relentless optimism. | Jerry | 2028 | |
GB200 | Designed to perform security duties. | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
GJ200 | Designed to simulate friendship. | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
GJ500 | Designed for private security purposes. They lack social protocols due to the specialized nature of their work. | John | ||
GS200 | Designed for public security purposes. | Seen inside the Woodward Mall Center and outside the Stratford Tower. | ||
GT100 | Unknown purpose. | Owner of #4507 and #4807 audio processors in From the Dead. | ||
HJ400 | An older android model; preowned from $2999. | Seen in Android Zone during the Opening. | ||
HK400 | One of the first android models designed for household assistance. | Carlos' Android | 2030(?) | |
HR400 | The most advanced design of male sex partners, equipped with functioning genitals. Male counterpart to the WR400. | Tracis (male) | 2035 | |
HW800 | Personal Assistant | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
JB100 | Unknown purpose. | Andy | 2027(?) | |
JB300 | Designed to be electronic operators of all types. They are particularly widespread in the areas of surveillance as well as film and television production. | JB300s in the Stratford Tower in Public Enemy. | 2033(?) | |
KL400 | Designed for home security. | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
KL900 | Designed to provide social care, help broken families, assist victims of intense trauma, or care for psychologically disturbed individuals. These models are equipped with a psychological simulation module that, if utilized correctly, allows the calculation of future events. This function may have been a precursor to the supercomputers discussed in "CyberLife's 'Fortune Teller' Computer". | Lucy | 2036(?) | |
KR200 | Designed for home assistance. | Seen on display in Capitol Park. | ||
KW500 | An older android model. | Seen in Android Zone preowned ads during the Opening. | ||
LA900 | Unknown purpose. | Owner of #4903 audio processor in From the Dead. | ||
LM100 | Presumably designed as a personal assistant. | Seen in Detroit: Become Human Teaser. | ||
MC500 | Designed for paramedic and first aid services. | Seen outside Carlos Ortiz' house in Partners and in Jericho during Crossroads. | ||
MJ100 | Designed to care for and supervise pets. | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
MP500 | Designed as a household assistant. They are described as a "basic model"; starting at $2999. | Seen in Android Zone ads. | ||
MP600 | Unknown purpose. | Seen in Jericho during Time to Decide. | ||
MP800 | Designed as a personal fitness coach. | Spoken of in background dialogue in Android Zone during the Opening. Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
NC200 | Designed to managed home DIY and construction projects. | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
OA400 | Designed as a "Service Officer" -- maintains the home via cleaning, cooking, and gardening. | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
PB600 | Unknown purpose. | Owner of #9474 thirium pump regulator in From the Dead. | ||
PC200 | Designed as police auxiliaries―mainly used for patrolling, guarding, or observational tasks―but are not permitted to carry a gun or use force. Male counterpart to the PM700. | Seen throughout the DPD Central Station. One is seen outside Carlos Ortiz' house in Partners. | 2029 | |
PJ500 | Designed to serve as university lecturers. The first models supplied in 2031 were specialized in teaching languages and history. Later models were also qualified in mathematics and physical sciences. | Josh | 2031 | |
PL500 | Designed for intimate companionship. | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
PL600 | Designed for domestic assistance such as home maintenance and child supervision. They are an older model in a period of irreversible market decline. | Daniel, Simon | 2034 | |
PM700 | Designed as police auxiliaries―mainly used for patrolling, guarding, or observational tasks―but are not permitted to carry a gun or use force. Female counterpart to the PC200. | Seen throughout the DPD Central Station. | 2029 | |
QB1000 | Prototype android quarterback capable of throwing from End Zone to End Zone and hitting a target six inches wide. | "Android QB" | ||
RK200 | Prototype that was developed as part of a CyberLife secret program aimed at elaborating a new generation of autonomous androids | Markus | ||
RK800 | Prototype that assists human detectives in their investigations by offering them technological assistance as well as being equipped with a social module developed to create a "perfect partner", capable of integrating into any team. | Connor | 2038 | |
RK900 | An upgraded version of the RK800 prototype: smarter, more resilient, and sporting new features, while the RK800's were rectified. | Connor (RK900) | 2038 | |
RT600 | First android to pass the Turing Test. For the commercial model, see ST200. | Chloe | 2021 | |
RZ400 | Unknown purpose. | Seen in "Kamski". | ||
SD600 | Designed to aid in nursing homes. | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
SK300 | Romantic Partner | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
SK700 | Domestic Chef | Showcased on the PC Shader Compilation screen. | ||
SQ800 | Designed to replace human soldiers to limit human losses in the event of conflict. They represented more than 80% of combat units. | Mentioned in the description of "Soldier" (95/111) in the Gallery. | ||
ST200 | First model to have been manufactured industrially by CyberLife. These are a commercial model of the 'Chloe' android and, though not as sophisticated as recent models, still remain widespread. | Hostess Chloe | 2022 | |
ST300 | Commercial android model designed as a receptionist. | Receptionists in DPD Central Station & Stratford Tower. | ||
TE600 | Unknown purpose. | |||
TE900 | An older android model. | #6847j leg owner in From the Dead. | ||
TR400 | Designed for strength and endurance. Specialized in moving heavy loads, commercial applications include labouring, docking and general haulage. | Luther, one seen inside Jericho in Time to Decide. | 2030(?) | |
TR600 | Unknown purpose. | Eyes for this model are for sale in the Android Zone. | ||
TW400 | Heavy unit android designed for construction | A variation of "Android - Specialized Outfits" (99/111) in the Gallery. | ||
URS12 | An android designed to simulate the look and behaviors of the now extinct polar bear. | Android Polar Bear | 2030 | |
VB800 | Commercial android designed to be a salesman and customer service representative. | Two seen in Android Zone during the Opening. One is also seen in the ending cutscene of Spare Parts. | ||
VH500 | Commercial android designed for shop assistant services. | A variation of "Android - Services Outfits" (97/111) in the Gallery. | ||
VS400 | Commercial android. They are only seen wearing dress pants as well as a black vest over a white button up and tie. Due to their manner of dress, it is presumed that they are meant as wait staff, hosts, ushers, or other such positions. | Seen inside the Woodward Mall Center in Freedom March and seen outside a restaurant in Shades of Color | ||
VX500 | Unknown purpose. | Owner of #A754h and #9754h optical units in From the Dead. | ||
WB200 | Commercial android designed for outdoor and agricultural work, meeting a demand for farming, gardening, and landscaping duties in private residences. | Rupert | 2036(?) | |
WB400 | Heavy unit android designed for dock work. | A variation of "Android - Specialized Outfits" (99/111) in the Gallery. | ||
WB500 | Unknown purpose. | |||
WD500 | Commercial android designed for delivery services. | Seen inside the Woodward Mall Center in Freedom March. | ||
WE900 | Female Android, unknown purpose | |||
WF500 | Unknown purpose. | |||
WG100 | Commercial android designed for city maintenance services. | Seen working in Capitol Park, Woodward Mall Center in Freedom March. | ||
WG700 | Commercial android designed for janitorial services. | Eden Club janitor. | ||
WJ700 | Designed for janitorial and office maintenance. | Seen on display in Capitol Park. | 2036 | |
WK218 | Presumably designed for city construction services. | Seen in Detroit: Become Human Teaser. | ||
WK500 | Commercial android designed for city construction services. | Seen working in Capitol Park. | ||
WM400 | Commercial android designed for utility services. They lack social protocols due to the specialized nature of their work. | Disguises at Stratford Tower. | ||
WM500 | Commercial android designed for city maintenance and construction. | A variation of "Android - Specialized Outfits" (99/111) in the Gallery. | ||
WR400 | The most advanced design of female sex partners, equipped with functioning genitals. Female counterpart to the HR400. | North, Tracis (female) | 2035 | |
WR600 | Commercial android designed for maintenance in green spaces―including trash collection―and gardening. | Ralph | 2031(?) | |
YK500 | Designed to simulate the look, behavior, and needs of a child. | Alice | 2033 | |
YK400 | Presumably a child model android (due to being of the same series as the YK500). | Box seen in the Pirates' Cove. | ||
ZT200 | An older android model; preowned from $1799. | Seen in Android Zone preowned ads in the Opening. | ||
'Myrmidon' model android trooper | Military androids. Elite prototypes capable of infiltration and assassination missions that would historically fall to Navy Seals. They are specifically adapted for marine combat. | Discussed in the article "G.I. Android", "World War Three". | ||
'Trojan' model android trooper | Military androids. They are specifically adapted for marine combat. | Discussed in the article "World War Three". | ||
Unknown astronaut model | Presumably designed specifically for space exploration. An all android crew is underway to explore Jupiter's innermost moon, Io, with no return journey planned. | Discussed in the article "Android Astronauts to Explore Io". | ||
Unknown athlete model | Designed for baseball as a pitcher and can throw fast balls. Androids were introduced to game as a one-per-team innovation but quickly dominated team strategy. A recent pitcher of this model broke the 120mph mark. | X67 in "Android Power!" | ||
Unknown canary android model | Designed to simulate the look and behaviors of a bird (canary). | Seen in the Painter. | ||
Unknown musician models | Presumably designed both to sing and play various instruments. Less than 5% of music is produced by human musicians. | Here4u in "All-Android Band Tipped for Music Prize". | ||
Unknown android models | Unknown original purpose. | Dying Android, Zlatko's creatures, Damaged Android | ||
Unknown early android | The first generation have been considered obsolete that most of them have been dumped. They have a blue exoskeleton. | Phileas | ||
'Ice Cutter' android model trooper | Russian android: Elite prototypes capable of forging new paths through solid ice. They are an investment made by Russian forces in the Arctic. | Discussed in the article "World War Three". |
- The word "android" was coined from the Greek root ἀνδρ- andr-, "man" (male, as opposed to ἀνθρωπ- anthrōp-, human being) and the suffix -oid, "having the form or likeness of".[19]
- The armband and triangle that androids are required to wear in public under the American Androids Act strongly resemble the Yellow Badge and concentration camp badges used by the Nazi regime. This same symbol appears on a sign in the final cutscene of From the Dead, under a sign reading "Veta."
- In Swedish, "Veta" means "Know," likely symbolic of Markus' new knowledge of his freedom and that androids are equal to humans.
- The outer layer of the android shell is composed of a flexible polymer. The synthetic fluid skin is most likely a form of adaptable claytronics, or programmable matter that can modify superficial colour and texture. (sources?)
- Despite the American Androids Act strictly forbidding Androids from carrying weaponry, military Androids exist, which would require them to break the law, while one could argue that they may serve as medics exclusively, during Battle for Detroit, the news anchor mentions that the Military has lost most of their numbers due to the banning of Androids.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 David Cage in Reddit AMA, 06.2018
- ↑ Detroit: Become Human short film "Chloe"
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 "Zlatko"
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 "Battle for Detroit"
- ↑ Carlos' Android
- ↑ "Time to Decide"
- ↑ Happens several times including Connor, Jerry in snow and some woman in Jericho
- ↑ 3 New Shorts Set the Stage for Detroit: Become Human
- ↑ Tech Addict #13, "Android Astronauts to Explore Io"
- ↑ "Fugitives"
- ↑ Detroit Today #31, "Cyber-Wildlife"
- ↑ Tech Addict #12, "Is Your Android Spying on You?"
- ↑ "The Stratford Tower"
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Detroit: Become Human Extras, Gallery
- ↑ Various magazines and news talk about android soldiers who do kill, so the weapons prohibition seems to not apply. Research and add proper sources.
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 Tech Addict #18, "The Eastern Space Race"
- ↑ Century #9, "World War Three"
- ↑ "Canada Still Android-Free Zone"
- ↑ Android on Wikipedia