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Detroit: Become Human Chapters

Stormy Night • • • • • List of Chapters • • • • • The Interrogation

For the full transcript of this chapter, click here.

Broken is the eighth chapter of Detroit: Become Human. This chapter has two different outcomes.


This chapter is from the perspective of Markus.


This is the flowchart walkthrough for Broken, with 100% completion rate and all checkpoints. To the right is a video showing the in-game flowchart, while below is a text version for ease of use.

  1. After party (checkpoint)
  2. Enter living room
  3. Pour whiskey
  4. Check studio without Carl OR Check studio with Carl
  5. Confront Leo
  6. Break mind palace
  7. Markus becomes deviant
  8. Obey Carl OR Push Leo
    1. Carl dies of a heart attack
      1. Police arrive
      2. Cross-chapter impact Leo accused Markus
    2. Leo is hurt
      1. Police arrive
      2. Cross-chapter impact Police mistook Markus for the aggressor

Cross-chapter impacts[]

  1. Push Leo
  2. Obey Carl

Detailed Walkthrough[]



  • If Markus pushes Leo, Carl's son falls and hits his head and then is seen unmoving, his eyes still open. Carl's reaction of grief makes it appear as if Leo has been killed. It is not until much later in the game that it's confirmed that Leo survived.

Unused Content[]

  • This chapter was supposed to be longer but was cut short in the final game.
  • Markus could interact with the radio and play music and also turn it off.
  • Markus originally would choose three different topics to discuss regarding the party with Carl. The dialogue choices would be "FANS", "WOMEN", and "JADED".
    • If the player chose "FANS", Markus would tell Carl that he's very famous.
    • If the player chose "WOMEN", Markus would mention a woman who liked Carl, apparently her name was Ashley.
    • If the player chose "JADED", Markus would ask Carl if he's bored.
  • Originally instead of immediately knowing where the intruder was by turning on the lights in the studio, a noise would be heard. Markus would have to search various rooms around the house only to find no sign of them. They would then notice a noise in the art studio.
  • After calling the police, Markus could optionally call them again before entering the studio.
  • There was originally mini task where Markus would try to revive Carl/Leo.
  • In an earlier draft, instead of Markus getting shot by the police, Markus would sneak out of the house, he would then get captured and sold to an android fighting ring by Leo (likely for drug money). This would lead to an unused chapter at the fighting club, Markus would find himself in an arena, he could have various different tattoos. Additionally, Markus would have to fight other androids and would damage or even kill several of his opponents. Police would shut down the place and start a raid, Markus would escape and fall into a junkyard. This likely would have better explained Markus' combative nature throughout the story.
    • Interestingly it seems like some content from this scrapped concept is still left in the game, with different graffiti paintings presumably referencing it. As well as the androids who aggressively grab Markus, it seems as though originally they would have ended up in the junkyard BECAUSE of Markus. There is even a model in the final game for the arena, which is said to have been built inside a church, likely the inspiration for Night of the Soul.