Detroit: Become Human Wiki
This article is about the RK900 model character. For other meanings, see Connor (disambiguation)

RK900 #313 248 317 - 87 is a RK900 android in Detroit: Become Human.

He is an advanced prototype that is designed to assist humans to investigate cases involving deviant androids.

He is faster, stronger, more resilient and equipped with the latest technologies compared to the RK800 model.



Connor is a CyberLife RK-series prototype, model RK900, serial #313 248 317 - 87. He was released in November 2038.

He is sent by the company to assist the Detroit City Police Department and U.S. State Department in investigating deviant androids.

Once Connor's mission, that of eliminating either Markus and/or North, is accomplished, the new RK900 model is rolled out and all RK800s are considered obsolete and shutdown, with the US Department of State ordering around 200,000 units.


  • Post-game (determinant)


How much the RK900's abilities have been improved upon since its predecessor is unspecified. However, it is claimed that its weaknesses have been rectified, being tremendously superior to the RK800 with a wider range of more effective abilities, possessing all features from the first Connor. So far, Nines is the most cutting-edge Android that Cyberlife has ever produced.


RK900 Connor has dark brown hair and grey eyes. He has an LED circle on his right temple which identifies him as an android and expresses his mental status.

RK900 Connor wears an android uniform with a white and black uniform jacket, black high closed collar shirt, and dark jeans.


Nothing is known about RK900 Connor's personality in-game, since he only appears in a post-credits scene. According to writer Adam Williams, RK900 Connor is a bad version of Connor who lacks his predecessor's humanizing qualities and holds an intimidating presence.


  • This RK900 is commonly called by fans by the name Nines.
  • This Wiki was edited to show the name Nines due to the cross-reference in the RK900 Wiki page, where it's mentioned in the Notes section.


