Detroit: Become Human Wiki

Zlatko's creatures are a group of androids in Detroit: Become Human. They were androids who found their way to Zlatko Andronikov's House, from there, they were mutilated and experimented on by Zlatko Andronikov.



These androids were acquired by Zlatko Andronikov, either through purchase or by luring in runaway deviants with the promise of help. Zlatko resets them, and either assigns them for resale or "keeping". With the androids he keeps, Zlatko performs experiments, physically mutilating and reshaping them into monstrous forms; dozens of them were modified. They were left to wander the mansion out of sight, or locked in cages in the underground basement.[1]


Kara and Alice arrive at Zlatko's house looking for help. Several of these androids can be seen locked in cages as Kara and Alice walk through the basement as they follow Zlatko. They consider Kara and Alice as their last breath of hope.[1] After Kara escapes/gets reset, Kara can open one of the doors to the cages where they tell Kara what he does to them. If Kara is reset by the machine, they help to regain her memory by reminding her of Alice. If Kara and Alice manage to get outside, a group of at least ten androids appear and beat Zlatko to death.[2]

Battle for Detroit - Kara Captured[]

Some of the androids, such as the Scarred android and the Skinless Android, can be found at Recall Center Nº5 if Kara freed them. The Scarred android tells Kara that after they escaped, the U.S. Army found them and killed most of them saying they were monsters. The few that were spared were loaded onto trucks and taken to the recall center. Later, the scarred android will offer to help Kara distract the soldiers so that Kara can go to Alice. If Kara accepts the scarred android's help, the scarred android and the skinless android will start to make noise and bang against the fencing, which annoys the soldiers.[3]



  • "Help us..." - One of Zlatko's creatures to Kara in Zlatko.

  • "He erased her memory..." - One of Zlatko's creatures to Kara in Zlatko.

  • "No... this can't be happening..." - One of Zlatko's creatures to Kara in Zlatko.

  • "You have to remember, for her sake..." - One of Zlatko's creatures to Kara in Zlatko.

  • "He likes to play with us... Creating monsters... for his amusement... But who's the real monster? Look what he did to us... You must remember who you are... otherwise the little one will die..." - The Skinless android to Kara in Zlatko.





  • All their appearances in the story are determinant.

