Greektown is a location in Detroit: Become Human. It is a historic commercial and entertainment district in Detroit, located just northeast of the heart of downtown.
Among others, it has a CyberLife store and Bellini Paints.
On November 5, 2038, Markus visits Greektown to pick up an order from the Bellini Paints store.
Outside the CyberLife store, a small anti-android protest has congregated, led by an Android Protest Leader. Outside the James & Carter, Gordon Penwick preaches against androids. A food stand, staffed by Douglas Mitchell, sells hot dogs and a Busker plays the guitar and sings. A beggar asks for help, having become unemployed due to androids.
Public WR600 androids maintain the park and a WG100 cleans the plaza.
Featured is a part of Greektown near St. Mary Roman Catholic Church. There is a small public park called the Henry Ford Commemorative Park, and a small plaza surrounded by businesses and with a fountain with a statue of Arnold Brook.
Stores and businesses:
- CyberLife store
- Bellini Paints
- Ben's Hot Dog
- St. Clair cafe
- Wine & Bread
- Smith & White
- James & Carter
- Deliver Us
- Digi Groceries
- Harman Bank
- Hiroko Sushi
- Pinnacle Books
- Otto Von Telli