Detroit: Become Human Wiki

Guillaume de Fondaumière is the co-CEO of Quantic Dream and the executive producer of Fahrenheit, Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human.

Filmography (Producer)[]

  • 2018 - Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) (executive producer) / (producer) 
  • 2013 - Beyond: Two Souls (Video Game) (executive producer) 
  • 2012 - KARA (Short) (executive producer - uncredited) 
  • 2010 - Heavy Rain: Chronicle One - The Taxidermist (Video Game short) (executive producer) 
  • 2010 - Heavy Rain (Video Game) (executive producer) 
  • 2005 - Fahrenheit (Video Game) (executive producer) 
  • 1997 - Pilgrim: Par le livre et par l'épée (Video Game) (producer)