Detroit: Become Human Wiki
This article is about the organization. For other meanings, see Jericho (disambiguation).
Androids - Detroit Become Human
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Jericho is a group of deviant androids in Detroit: Become Human. The group was established properly after Markus arrived on the group's namesake hideout in an abandoned freighter that has become refuge for deviants. As the group starts to protest and demand rights, the place turns into a base for their actions.

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Four symbols Markus can choose for Jericho later in the game.

Jericho's goal is the liberation of androids in the world. If Markus is the leader, players will decide whether Jericho's approach will be peaceful or aggressive until the end of the game. However, if North becomes the leader, Jericho's approach will always be aggressive.

Depending on the player's choices, Jericho either falls and is abandoned by the freed deviants and the factory-fresh deviants, or Jericho succeeds in securing the freedom of androids.



There is not much information known about Jericho before the events of the game. What we know is that they used to be an entirely hidden organisation before Markus joined and changed them. Before Markus joined, Jericho was used as a hiding place rather than an organisation defending Android rights.


Time to Decide[]

Spare Parts[]

The Mission[]

Jericho needs biocomponents to continue to function. The most able-bodied androids, Markus, North, Simon and Josh break into a CyberLife Warehouse and Docks. There they can find biocomponents and choose to bring the androids working at the dock back to Jericho.

Founding the Inner Circle[]

If Simon, Josh, North and Markus return with the parts, the four are praised as heroes, especially Markus, for having the courage to suggest and lead the mission. Markus decides that Jericho needs to take active action for freedom, not just linger in the dark.

The Stratford Tower[]

Sending a Message[]


Capitol Park[]

Free Our People[]

Send a New Message[]

Freedom March[]

Despite how the public reacts to their broadcast, Markus decides Jericho needs to make a public demonstration of their free will and demand for equal rights. Their plan is simple, recruit more androids and block off a street to allow Jericho members to exit the sewer path to join the march. Freeing androids they pass, Markus leads Jericho in chanting their demands. The police arrive, clearly hostile and uncaring of the androids' intent; they are warned to disperse.

Stand Your Ground (Listen to Josh)[]

Jericho stays in place, even as its members are shot dead. Markus can attempt to sacrifice himself to show their peaceful intent. If you accepted John in the Spare Parts chapter or you have Simon alive at this point, one of them will sacrifice themselves. So, Markus will only be wounded and rescued by North. If you have both John and Simon present, John will sacrifice himself. If neither John nor Simon are present, Markus will die at the hands of the police. In either case, the group retreats, suffering losses. Public opinion goes up for Markus' noble action.

Disperse (Listen to Simon)[]

Jericho attempts to leave peacefully, only for the police to open fire and slaughter a portion of the recruits. Markus' relationships with Josh, North and Jericho as a whole will be negatively impacted by this decision, while Markus' relationship with Simon is somewhat positively affected.

Attack (Listen to North)[]

Deciding force is necessary, Jericho is lead into battle by Markus. This severely negatively impacts public opinion. Here if Markus succeeds in the QTEs, the police are defeated. If Markus fails the QTEs the androids are overwhelmed by the police and Markus is defeated. At this point, Markus can either commit suicide by shooting himself, or wait to be killed by the police. If you accepted John in the Spare Parts chapter or you have Simon alive at this point, one of them will sacrifice themselves to save Markus. If you have both John and Simon present, John will sacrifice himself. If neither John or Simon are present, Markus will die at the hands of the police. In either case, the group retreats, suffering losses.


The Aftermath of the March[]

Jericho Under Attack[]

Night of the Soul[]

Battle for Detroit[]

Revolution (Violent Path)[]

Markus has had enough with humans ignoring their sentience and the aggressive responses to their attempts to get validation for it. As a result, Jericho makes assaults on the camps in Detroit to free their people, starting at dawn. They match towards the camps, beating a flag with their symbol on it. They attack the police. Along the way, many QTEs appear. Failing multiple will result in Markus being killed. No matter Markus’ actions on this path, Josh will be killed by soldiers, stating that “The Blood we spill, will be on our hands”. If everything goes according to plan, Markus and the group will get to the end and fight against the last stand of soldiers. If Connor remained a machine, Markus will have to engage in a fist fight with him. If he wins, Markus liberates the camp. If Connor became a Deviant, he arrives with an army of deviants from the CyberLife Tower and helps free the androids from the camp. Markus gives a speech about finally gaining their freedom. During the speech, CyberLife will attempt to hack Connor and force him to kill Markus. If Connor can resist Cyberlife’s hacking attempts Markus will finish his speech and the game will end. If Connor fails to escape from the Zen garden he will assassinate Markus.

Demonstration (Pacifist Path)[]

Remembering Carl's teachings, Markus refuses to answer the genocide of androids with more violence. Jericho breaks into five teams of protesters. With the exception of Markus' group, the others are wiped out on the spot; its only thanks to the reporters and news helicopter, the U.S. Army refuses to attack as firing on peaceful protesters would make them look bad.


Slaughter the Humans[]

Despite losing the majority of their numbers in the process, Jericho manages to advance into the barricade of the camp and kill most of the soldiers. Liberated androids and Jericho survivors listen to Markus' speech about how they must now open a dialogue with humanity for equal rights; they've shown what they are capable of, so now the violence must end.

Detonate the Dirty Bomb[]

Markus detonated the bomb, eradiating all of Detroit. Humans are forced to abandon the city, leaving it solely to the androids. The androids gather around Markus, who drops his human appearance and roars in victory, holding the Jericho flag.


Show Human Emotion[]


Markus Did Not Lead Jericho[]

Refuse to Detonate the Dirty Bomb[]

Connor Kills Jericho's Leader[]

Low Public Opinion (Pacifist Path)[]

If Markus chooses to demonstrate after a long history of violence to spread Jericho's message, it will always fail.

Fall for Perkins' Ruse[]

Perkins lies that Jericho will be spared if they surrender, and allowed to live in peace in their own domestic area. He executes Markus and North by himself.



Affiliated Humans[]



  • The group was big enough to divide into five teams to attack CyberLife stores (which boosted their numbers).
  • Given the wardrobe changes with Markus and North, it seems stealing clothes for deviants was also a goal, to help androids blend in with humans
  • Should Jericho win, it's implied that all deviants become members of the group; with the exception of those who managed to escape to Canada.
  • If the violent path is chosen, a message from Markus explains Jericho has been attacking the camps since dawn to save their people. As victory is declared in the fight seen on screen, it's presumed Jericho did not split up and used their numbers to overwhelm the humans. This would explain why only a handful of androids are left; Jericho's numbers dropped due to casualties.
  • The first symbol of Jericho is the same with one of the symbols escaping slaves followed in the Underground Railroad to reach freedom.[1]
  • For the second symbol of Jericho, Markus has four options to choose between and the two of them are significant.
    • The one that looks like a modified peace sign is the same symbol which Jodie Holmes needs to draw in the sand to start the ritual in the chapter Navajo from another Quantic Dream game Beyond: Two Souls.
    • The raised fist, which is the symbol of solidarity and support, is used as a logo by various groups against oppression throughout the history.
  • Jericho shares its name with an existing city, in Palestine, which was founded in 9000 BC and it is believed to be one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world.

