Detroit: Become Human Wiki

Pedro Aabdar is a human in Detroit: Become Human. He is a criminal that hangs out with Hank Anderson and does business with him. He has a criminal record of illegal gambling and fraud.


He was born in Detroit and quickly fell into petty crime, specifically illegal gambling and fraud.

He has a small reputation in the neighborhood where his friends appreciate his good humor, his indeterminate accent and his famous hot tips on the next horse race.

The Nest

At the Chicken Feed, Hank will greet Pedro. Hank is disappointed that Pedro lost his money from his "shit hot-tip" last time on the horse race. He convinces Hank that this "shit hot-tip" for the horse is good this time around . Hank will give him the money, Pedro then walks away with the cash.

  • He will not show up in "The Nest" when Connor died in "On the Run".


He will be seen on the train to Ferndale station.



