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Androids - Detroit Become Human
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Detroit: Become Human Chapters

The Stratford Tower • • • • • List of Chapters • • • • • Midnight Train

For the full transcript of this chapter, click here.

Public Enemy is the twenty-fourth chapter of Detroit: Become Human. This chapter has eight different outcomes.


This chapter is from the perspective of Connor and relies heavily on decisions made by players during The Stratford Tower. Connor's task is to review the crime scene in the broadcast room, investigate the deviants behind the broadcast and find potential conspirators.


This is the flowchart walkthrough for Public Enemy, with 100% completion rate and all checkpoints.

  1. Fall in the Zen Garden (checkpoint)
  2. Talk to Amanda
  3. Inside Stratford Tower (checkpoint)
    • Hank Confiscates Coin - only if Hank and Connor are friends.
    • Listen to Briefing
  4. Investigate Corridors
    • Cross-chapter impact Killed during 'Stratford Tower'
      • Analyze Guard Next to Phone
    • Cross-chapter impact Wounded During 'Stratford Tower'
    • Cross-chapter impact Killed during 'Stratford Tower'
    • Check CCTV
    • Analyze Phone (If North attacked the guard on phone)
    • Cross-chapter impact Killed during 'Stratford Tower'
      • Analyze Armed Guard
  5. Meet Perkins
  6. Investigate Broadcast Room
    • Cross-chapter impact Saved During 'The Hostage'
      • Meet Cop from Hostage Situation
    • Cross-chapter impact Attacked by SWAT during the 'Stratford Tower'
      • Analyze Corridor Bullet Holes
      • Analyze Roof Access Bullet Holes
      • Analyze Screen Bullet Holes
      • Analyze Blue Blood on Wall
    • Analyze Cap
    • Watch Video
    • Check Camera
    • Cross-chapter impact Died in Broadcast during 'Stratford Tower'
      • Analyze Destroyed Android (if Simon was Killed during The Stratford Tower)
    • Cross-chapter impact Wounded during 'Stratford Tower' 
      • Analyze Blue Blood on Console (if Simon was wounded during The Stratford Tower)
  7. Decide To Leave
    • Connor and Hank Left The Crime Scene
  8. Go to Rooftop
  9. Investigate Rooftop
    • Analyze Door
    • Analyze Bag
    • Cross-chapter impact Died on Rooftop during 'Stratford Tower'
      • Analyze Destroyed Android (only if Simon was killed on roof during The Stratford Tower)
    • Cross-chapter impact Wounded during 'Stratford Tower' 
      • Analyze Blue Blood (only if Simon was wounded during The Stratford Tower)
      • Find Footprints
    • Analyze Weapon
  10. Find Simon (only if Simon was wounded during The Stratford Tower)
    • Rush Deviant
      1. Shot By Simon
        • Cross-chapter impact Simon Is Destroyed By SWAT - cross-chapter impact: Simon will not appear in further chapters
        • Death Connor Died Running Toward Simon
      2. Reach Simon
        • Cross-chapter impact Flash From Simon's Memory - cross-chapter impact: unlocks an additional evidence item in Last Chance, Connor.
        • Cross-chapter impactSimon Self-Destructs - cross-chapter impact: Simon will not appear in further chapters
        • Connor Was Traumatized
    • Stay in Cover
      1. Cross-chapter impact Simon is Destroyed by SWAT - cross-chapter impact: Simon will not appear in further chapters
      2. Hank and Connor Survived Unscathed
  11. Enter The Kitchen
  12. Interrogate (JB300) Androids - must have watched the CCTV footage to unlock further items in this branch
  13. Deviant Attacks
    • Out of Time
      1. Death Connor Shut Down
    • Remove Knife
    • Recover Biocomponent
      1. Lose Too Much Time
      2. Cross-chapter impact SWAT Destroys Deviant - cross-chapter impact: unlocks deviant's body as an evidence item in Last Chance, Connor.
        • Deviant Kills Cop From The Hostage
      3. Connor and Hank Survived
  14. Chase Deviant
    • Rush Deviant
      1. Cross-chapter impact Deviant Self Destructs - cross-chapter impact: unlocks deviant's body as an evidence item in Last Chance, Connor.
        • Deviant killed cop from "The Hostage"
      2. Connor and Hank Survived
    • Protect Hank
      1. Deviant Shoots Connor
      2. Cross-chapter impact SWAT Destroys Deviant - cross-chapter impact: unlocks deviant's body as an evidence item in Last Chance, Connor.
        • Deviant Kills Cop From The Hostage
      3. Death Connor Sacrificed Himself For Hank
    • Draw Gun (Take gun from FBI agent's holster)
      1. Cross-chapter impact Shoot Deviant - cross-chapter impact: unlocks deviant's body as an evidence item in Last Chance, Connor.
        • Rescue Cop (if saved during The Hostage)
      2. Massacre Prevented

Relationship Changes[]


  • Picking "Eden Club" when Amanda asks what he discovered if he shot the Traci Relationship up
  • Picking "Eden Club" when Amanda asks what he discovered if the Tracis escaped or if he didn't find them Relationship down
  • Picking "troubled" or "sincere" when Amanda accuses Connor of seeming lost Relationship down
  • Picking "determined" or "cold" when Amanda accuses Connor of seeming lost Relationship up
  • Picking "too far" when Amanda asks why Connor didn't shoot the Tracis Relationship down
  • Picking "truth" when Amanda asks why Connor didn't shoot the Tracis Relationship largedown
  • Picking "confident" when Amanda threatens to replace Connor Relationship up
  • Picking "indifferent" when Amanda threatens to replace Connor Relationship largeup


  • Connor dies while trying to reconnect his biocomponent Relationship down
  • Shielding Hank from the deviant or shoot the deviant Relationship largeup

Software Instability[]

  • Picking "troubled" when Amanda accuses Connor of seeming lost Relationship up
  • Picking "cold" when Amanda accuses Connor of seeming lost Relationship down
  • Picking "conflicted" when Amanda threatens to replace Connor Relationship up
  • Picking "indifferent" when Amanda threatens to replace Connor Relationship down
  • Connor is shot in the head by Simon Relationship down
  • Connor fails to remove knife Relationship down
  • Connor fails to reach heart Relationship down
  • Connor sacrifices himself to protect Hank Relationship down
  • Charge the JB300 deviant Relationship largeup
  • Charge at Simon and successfully probe his memory Relationship largeup

Public Opinion[]

  • Attack the deviant Relationship down x2
  • Save Hank Relationship down


  • When going to the rooftop, Connor and Hank will absorb snow on their clothes, and when going back inside, the snow will slowly melt.
  • There are two different variations of the potential interaction with the cop. If you never died, Connor will remember the cop but if you died at any point in the game, Connor will forget.
  • You can only analyze the phone if North attacked the guard on phone.
  • If Simon got wounded you can analyze his blue blood near the elevator, on the walls and on the console.
  • If one of the guards were shot, Connor can analyze fresh blood.
  • When analyzing the message Connor can learn that Markus is an RK model and that he was a gift from Kamski given to Carl.
  • If you ask Hank if you can leave but change your mind Hank will say “You’re the boss, Connor.”.
  • If Markus locked the door, incapacitated the guards/killed the guard on phone and shot the reporter, the broadcast room will appear undamaged but if any alarms were set off, then the room will be covered with blue blood and bullet holes on the walls and screens.
  • If Simon was wounded before going to the rooftop, blue blood can still be seen on his face.
  • If Hank took Connor’s coin you can catch Hank trying to do Connor’s coin trick.
  • The soldiers in the chapter actually have faces and have completed writing on their helmets.
  • After looking at the bag an animation of Connor stepping over the bag can play out.
  • If Simon was left behind on the roof, Connor will learn one of the deviants was left behind after analyzing the bag.
  • After analyzing the bag, another cop will enter the rooftop.
  • Connor's reaction when looking over the edge will differ depending on whether or not he fell from a height in a previous chapter.
    • If Connor never fell from a height once, he will stare calmly.
    • If Connor had fallen from a height in any previous scene, he will flinch fearfully.
  • If Markus was shot in The Stratford Tower, Connor will have an option to examine Markus’ blue blood.
  • Probing Simon’s memory will unlock an option for Connor to use the memory to locate Jericho.
  • If you check the cameras before talking to the broadcast androids, Connor will be able to move a chair back into position and ask about the suspects, but if he already talked to them, he’ll get a quest to investigate them again.
  • If you look closely you can tell the android on the left is the accomplice by the expressions he makes.
  • If you fail to remove the knife in time, Connor will remove the knife and call Hank for help, but if you removed the knife but failed to reach the heart, a similar scene plays out but instead it jumps to Connor crawling.
  • Before removing the knife Connor can try to call Hank and push a chair.
  • If Connor goes the wrong direction when chasing the deviant, Hank can be seen having killed the deviant.
  • When entering the corridor following the deviant, if the cop that Connor previously saved is alive he will also appear in the corridor.
  • When entering the corridor it is a possible to catch a glimpse of the dead reporter, one of the dead guards, and Simon's blue blood.
  • If you are slightly slower the deviant will grab the gun before the timer starts.
  • if you stand still the game will have Connor automatically charge at the deviant.
  • If you wait 14 seconds the game will make Connor charge.
  • The Cop from "The Hostage" if previously saved can have a second chance to die or be saved again.
  • If you shoot the broadcast android, the cop that Connor gives the gun back to will normally appear spotless, but if Connor went to the rooftop beforehand, the officer will be covered in snow.
  • The only way for Connor to finish the chapter uninjured is by not going after Simon OR the Stratford Android.
  • If Simon was left behind on the rooftop and Connor follows The Stratford Android, after the investigation is done, Simon can be seen in the safe showing relief.
  • The Public Opinion surprisingly doesn't increase if Connor stopped the massacre.
  • The chapter name may be a reference to the band Public Enemy since Markus is 'fighting the powers that be' and androids are analogous to African-Americans in Detroit Become Human.
    • The German name for this chapter is Staatsfeind; enemy of the state, which is also the name of a hip-hop song.
  • Of all Connor's missions, this one is the most unique as Connor may have TWO deviants instead of just one.