Detroit: Become Human Wiki

The RK800 "Connor" is an android model created by CyberLife.

The Connor model includes a physical simulation software based on the analysis of elements of the crime scene. He can thus reconstruct past events by cross-checking the evidence at his disposal.[1]

It is also the first model to offer the analysis of biological evidence in real time, by direct sampling and ingestion of samples.[1]


The RK800 is a CyberLife RK-series prototype released in August 2038.[1] Its function is to assist law enforcement police personnel in investigations whether it is involving androids or not. Unlike previous police android models, it is designed to take an active part in investigations.

The RK800 has a wide range of intellectual and forensic abilities. For a detailed list, see Connor's article.

The RK800 and presumably, other RK models have a much stronger field of protection against deviancy.

The RK800 appears as an adult male with brown eyes and brown hair. Instead of the usual android uniforms, it wears a more human outfit consisting of a gray semi-formal jacket, white shirt, dark tie, and dark jeans. The jacket is marked with the regular android identifiers.

The RK900 is a (potential) update of the RK800 prototype that expands on its abilities and shares its physical appearance.



See also the galleries of individual androids of the model, such as Connor#Gallery.

