"Proceed with caution." This article is a direct mirror of official lore. Please refrain from editing it unnecessarily. |
Sales of android 'intimate partners' are exploding
Police to use marketing data identify criminals early
Politics in focus: are American senators really corrupt?
Androids capable of satisfying customers' sexual and emotional needs have been a phenomenal success, such that CyberLife has been battling to keep stores stocked. Though the idea seemed far-fetched initially, CyberLife's gamble has paid off.
These androids offer nothing less than a full partner experience, for men or women. The advantages are many: androids take care of the house, cook to a high standard, and fulfil [sic] any sexual fantasy without ever saying "not tonight, honey - I have a headache".
While CyberLife initially focused on urban singles to buy its models, this year's record divorce rate seems to show that many men and women today prefer to live with an android than with a human partner.
This won't help the already plummeting birth rate, which raises serious questions about the role androids play in our society.
This magazine is located in the Russian Roulette chapter once Connor leads Hank Anderson to the bathroom after getting his clothes. When Connor is free to explore the house, the magazine is in his bedroom.