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Detroit: Become Human Chapters |
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- For the full transcript of this chapter, click here.
All Choices (The Bridge Hank & Connor PS4 Pro)
The Bridge is the twenty-second chapter of Detroit: Become Human. This chapter has two different outcomes.
This chapter is from the perspective of Connor.
This is the flowchart walkthrough for The Bridge, with 100% completion rate and all checkpoints. To the right is a video showing the in-game flowchart, while below is a text version for ease of use.
- Leave Car
- Read book from bench Ambassador Bridge
- Read Mysterious Kamski
- Read Markets Predict War
- Talk to Hank
- Discuss rA9
- Discuss Russian Roulette
- Discuss Photo (Cole) - only if unlocked during Russian Roulette
- Hank Draws Gun
Relationship Changes[]
- Asking Hank a "Personal Question" about the "Photo" as seen in Russian Roulette
- Picking "Cold" when Hank talks about the Tracis from The Eden Club
- Picking "Neutral" when Hank asks "what are you really?"
- Picking "Cold" or "Aggressive" when Hank asks "what are you really?"
- Picking "Truth" when Hank asks Connor why he did not shoot the Tracis from The Eden Club
- Picking "Lie" when Hank asks Connor why he did not shoot the Tracis from The Eden Club
- Picking "Cold" when Hank asks Connor how he felt when the Traci committed suicide
- Picking "Cold", "Aggressive" or "Neutral" when Hank asks Connor why he shot both Tracis after losing the fight
- Picking "No", "Not Alive" or "Logical" when Hank asks Connor if he is afraid to die
- Picking "Defy" when Hank asks Connor what he thinks will happen if he shoots him
- Hank shot Connor
Software Instability[]
- Picking "Cold" when Hank talks about the Tracis from The Eden Club
- Picking "Cold" or "Aggressive" when Hank asks "what are you really?"
- Picking "Truth" when Hank asks Connor why he did not shoot the Tracis from The Eden Club
- Picking "Disturbed" when Hank questions Connor's emotion after the Traci committed suicide at The Eden Club
- Picking "Cold" when Hank questions Connor how he felt after the Traci committed suicide
- Picking "Cold" or "Neutral" when Hank asks Connor why he shot both Tracis after losing the fight
- Picking "Yes" when Hank asks Connor if he is afraid to die
- Picking "No", "Not Alive" or "Logical" when Hank asks Connor if he is afraid to die
- The song heard inside Hanks car is "Johnny Lawless" by Rocket 455.
- If Connor found the photo of Cole in Russian Roulette, when he asks Hank a "Personal Question" he will have the option to choose "Photo" or "Suicide". However, if Connor did not find the photo of Cole in Russian Roulette, when Connor asks a "Personal Question" he will automatically say the suicide dialog line.
- There are four different dialogue interactions with Hank:
- If Connor failed to find the Tracis. (No Software Instability changes)
- If Connor spared the Tracis. (Positive or negative Software changes)
- If Connor won the fight and shot the Traci. (Positive or negative Software changes)
- If Connor lost the fight but shot the fleeing Tracis. (Negative or no Software changes)
Chapters played as Connor (in chronological order) - The Hostage | Partners | The Interrogation | Waiting for Hank... | On the Run | The Nest | Russian Roulette | The Eden Club | The Bridge | Public Enemy | Meet Kamski | Last Chance, Connor | Crossroads | Night of the Soul | Battle for Detroit Chapters played as Markus (in chronological order) - Shades of Color | The Painter | Broken | From the Dead | Jericho | Time to Decide | Spare Parts | The Stratford Tower | Capitol Park | Freedom March | Crossroads | Night of the Soul | Battle for Detroit Chapters played as Kara (in chronological order) - The Opening | A New Home | Stormy Night | Fugitives | On the Run | Zlatko | The Pirates' Cove | Midnight Train | Crossroads | Battle for Detroit |