Detroit: Become Human Wiki
Detroit: Become Human Chapters

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The Interrogation is the ninth chapter of Detroit: Become Human. This chapter has four different outcomes.


This chapter is from the perspective of Connor. For this chapter to be available, the player must have located the deviant in Partners. The fate of the android prisoner affects later chapters.


This is the flowchart walkthrough for The Interrogation, with 100% completion rate and all checkpoints. To the right is an image showing the in-game flowchart, while below is a text version for ease of use.

  1. Observation room (checkpoint) (suspect found in Partners)
  2. Interrogation room
    • Analyze Android
      • Analyze stress level
      • Analyze wounds
    • Review photos
  3. Choose approach
  4. Probe memory OR Convince OR Pressure OR Give up
    1. Resist to probe Failure OR Probe succeeds Success
      1. (leads to previous options)
      2. Carlos' flashback
        • Express regret
        1. Android starts self-destructing
        2. Do nothing OR Intervene
          1. Cross-chapter impact Android smashed his head
          2. Death Android shot Connor and itself
    2. Convincing fails Failure OR Convincing succeeds Success
      1. (leads to previous options)
      2. Android confesses
        1. (leads to 'Chris intervenes' (if his stress is below 70%) OR leads to 'Android starts self-destructing')
    3. Give up OR Maintain pressure
      1. (leads to previous options)
      2. Android confesses
        1. (leads to 'Chris intervenes' (if his stress is below 70%) OR leads to 'Android starts self-destructing')
    4. Chris intervenes
      • Give up OR Intervene
      1. Cross-chapter impact Android shot itself
        • Android shoots Connor (if Connor pressured him and/or failed to probe his memory)
          • Death Android shot Connor and itself
      2. Cross-chapter impact Android was sent back to his cell
        • Cross-chapter impact Android trusts Connor (only if Connor convinced him)

Cross-chapter impacts[]

  • Deviant dies
  • Connor dies
    • Another gravestone is present in the Zen Garden in Waiting for Hank...
    • Connor can express regret
    • Chris shocked to see Connor
    • Gavin sarcastically remarks about his reincarnation
    • Hank is unhappy to see Connor
    • Connor can console Hank
  • Deviant smashes his head, and/or shoots Connor and/or himself
    • Connor can enter the interrogation room and find thirium stains via his mind palace
  • Deviant trusts Connor
    • Connor may bring it up if he mentions his intervention
    • His dialogue is available as a clue to locate Jericho in Last Chance, Connor
  • Deviant is saved
    • Connor can mention his intervention
    • Chris shows pride in Connor
    • Gavin resentfully congratulates Connor
    • If Connor refuses to give Gavin coffee, Gavin laments that he would have broken him if it weren't for Hank
    • Connor can talk to the deviant or ignore him

Detailed Walkthrough[]


Influencing Carlos' android's stress[]

The android’s stress begins at 35% and is affected by every choice you make during the interrogation. The optimal range is between 50-70%.

  • FEAR: [Unlocked by Analyze] No effect
  • SHOW PHOTOS: [Unlocked by Review Photos] Stress +4%
  • WOUNDS: [Unlocked by Analyze] Stress +4%
  • NAME: No response - Stress -4%

After two choices, you’ll get a different set of options:

  • COMFORT: Stress -4%
  • REASSURE: Stress -4%
  • THREATEN: Stress +4%
  • BLAME: Stress +4%

Then Connor can press the subject further:

  • SYMPATHIZE: Stress -4%
  • THREATEN: Stress +4%
  • TRUST: Stress -4%
  • PROBE MEMORY: Stress +8%

After two choices, or immediately after threatening to probe its memory, the android will ask if it is going to be destroyed:

  • LIE: Stress -4%
  • TRUTH: Stress +4%

The android asks why Connor didn’t let it go:

  • LIE: Stress -4%
  • TRUTH: Stress +4%

Then you get to choose an approach to continue the interrogation (twice):

  • Probe its memory: If succeeded, stress goes to 100% unconditionally (forcing him to self destruction)
  • Pressure him: Stress +10% for the choice and for every time the player chose "PRESSURE", for a max total of +50%
    • If the player chose "PRESSURE" all 4 times, the android will behave as if he has too much stress (even if his stress is in the optimal range) and will confess and then self-destruct
    • Give up: Stress -20%
  • Convince it: You'll get 3 sets of 3 different options. If the Stress is within the Optimal Level, the Android will confess. If it's stress is too low or too high, the convince will fail:
  • UNDERSTANDING: Stress -7%
  • THREATEN: Stress +7%
  • ORDER: Stress +7%

Then you will get:

  • SYMPATHIZE: Stress -7%
  • INDIFFERENT: Stress +7%
  • COMFORT: Stress -7%

Then finally:

  • PROTECT: Stress -7%
  • TERRIFY: Stress +7%
  • WARN: Stress +7%

Relationship Changes[]


  • Connor is killed and fails to get the confession Relationship down
  • Connor successfully gets the confession Relationship up
  • Hank protects Connor Relationship up

Software Instability[]

  • Successfully probing android's memory Relationship up
  • Connor is shot when backing down during the arrest Relationship down
  • Connor is shot if he tries to stop the android's suicide Relationship down
  • Android is sent back to his cell Relationship up


  • If you look at the mirror, Connor will randomly stare and Hank will get freaked out;
  • If you review the photos, Connor can use it as a dialogue option;
  • Similarly to the photos, if you analyze the wounds, Connor can also use it as a dialogue option;
  • If you threaten to probe the android's memory, the deviant will panic and start talking;
  • Giving up or resisting to probe the first time will loop back to the same choices but now with an option to give up;
  • Probing the memory will allow you to hear Carlos Ortiz's voice;
  • If you probe the android's memory and try to intervene, the android will smash his head on the table, shoot Connor and then himself;
  • The line "28 STAB WOUNDS!" and the lines following the "threaten" choice became an Internet meme among the community, due to how unexpected it is and how extreme Connor is;
  • If you successfully get the confession, Connor will have a longer conversation with the deviant;
  • There are a three additional dialogue options, if Connor investigated the bathroom, he can mention the ra9 signs, the "I AM ALIVE" message and the sculpture;
  • If you wait before saying anything when Chris grabs the deviant, you can see the stress level rising up;
  • Intervening after the confession leads to one of the most iconic scenes of the game where Gavin and Hank have a dramatic disagreement over Connor's conduct;
  • If the android trusts Connor, he'll say to him "The truth is inside";
  • This chapter bears a few similarities to the chapter "Under Arrest" from another Quantic Dream game Heavy Rain.

Unused Content[]

  • Concept art shows Chris (at the time named "Chad") interrogating the deviant rather than Hank.
  • Originally in an earlier draft, Ben would appear in this chapter instead of Gavin, which in retrospect, would have made more sense considering Ben's role in Partners not to mention the fact that Gavin is not even around during the initial investigation.
  • Gavin (originally named Curtis at the time), would have suggested hammering the deviant.
  • When asked for ideas on how to deal with the suspect, Connor could choose whether or not to offer questioning him.
    • If he offered, it would play out identically like in the final game, with some changes in the dialogue with Hank saying "At this stage of the game" instead of "What do we have to lose?".
    • If he didn't offer, Hank would suggest Connor question the suspect to which Connor would do so.

