Detroit: Become Human Chapters |
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- For the full transcript of this chapter, click here.
The Opening is the second chapter of Detroit: Become Human. This chapter has only one outcome.
This chapter is from the perspective of Kara, who awakes at an android store after having her memory reset.
Detroit Become Human — Opening Credits
Kara is seen booting up in the Android Zone store. A little girl, Zoe, looks at her and her mother tells her that it is time to go. Kara can look around the store, with Todd Williams walking inside the store shortly after. Kara may observe two conversations while waiting.
- Kara can look at a couple making a deal with an android.
- Kara can look at a couple arguing on whether or not to buy an expensive android.
Todd waits for the supervising employee to come to the counter. A man named Dan walks over and Todd asks him for his android. Dan tells Todd that a lot of work was necessary to fix her and asks how she got damaged, with Todd responding that she was hit by a car. Dan says that, during the repair, he had to wipe her memory and asks for her name. Todd says that his daughter named the android Kara. Dan tells her to register her name and Todd says it, with Kara then stating her name. After that, the various landscapes of Detroit can be viewed as Todd drives home in a pickup truck with Kara inside.
- David Cage composed and recorded the piano piece for the opening credits.[1]
- The reboot messages are a full paragraph.
- You can listen to two couples perusing the various available androids, with one turning down a sale offer and the other closing a deal.
- This is the only chapter of the game that does not have a flowchart.
Behind the scenes[]
- The neighborhood has fully modeled buildings with fully modeled interiors.
- The background of the landscape is a real photo.
Unused Content[]
- According to Florent Auguy, one of the concept artists of the game, the opening credits was planned to show the evolution of androids but that idea was ultimately scrapped.[2]
- Another concept artist of the game, Mikael Leger, claims that the idea was showing the evolution of androids/robotics in the form of a documentary, either on the introduction or on a TV screen in the game.[3]
- Some concept art shows an unused drawing of a music android and an unused “Rarebot” slogan.
- There are unused washer robots, implying that the game originally intended to show androids that weren’t human or animal.
- There is concept art of an unused "Music Robot" seen holding a violin, interestingly it has no legs.
- There’s an unused display for a garden android.
- There is an unused model for Kara with only the word “Cyberlife” on her shirt as opposed to her name or model number.
- An early trailer shows a female RK200 model, Markus' model.
- There is an extended scene with Todd and Dan with a longer conversation as well as an additional scene of Todd having to scan his thumbprint.
- Earlier trailers suggest that Kara would be more of a traveler as opposed to a mother.
Chapters played as Connor (in chronological order) - The Hostage | Partners | The Interrogation | Waiting for Hank... | On the Run | The Nest | Russian Roulette | The Eden Club | The Bridge | Public Enemy | Meet Kamski | Last Chance, Connor | Crossroads | Night of the Soul | Battle for Detroit Chapters played as Markus (in chronological order) - Shades of Color | The Painter | Broken | From the Dead | Jericho | Time to Decide | Spare Parts | The Stratford Tower | Capitol Park | Freedom March | Crossroads | Night of the Soul | Battle for Detroit Chapters played as Kara (in chronological order) - The Opening | A New Home | Stormy Night | Fugitives | On the Run | Zlatko | The Pirates' Cove | Midnight Train | Crossroads | Battle for Detroit |