- This article is about the chapter. For other meanings, see Zlatko (disambiguation).
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Detroit: Become Human Chapters |
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- For the full transcript of this chapter, click here.
Zlatko is the seventeenth chapter of Detroit: Become Human. This chapter has five different outcomes.
This chapter is from the perspective of Kara. After seeking shelter for a night in Fugitives and receiving information about Zlatko's house from an android trash collector, Kara and Alice arrive at the house to ask for help. Zlatko first denies them entry, claiming that he cannot help them. After noticing their android origin, he invites them into his house and offers help with their escape. He shortly chats with Kara and then claims that Kara has a tracker inside her, which he needs to remove first. However, when Kara steps into the machine in the basement, which allegedly will remove the tracker, Zlatko reveals his real goal, namely catching deviants and using them for his experiments.
This is the flowchart walkthrough for Zlatko, with 100% completion rate and all checkpoints.
- Look For Help
- Reach Zlatko's House
- Enter the House
- Meet Zlatko
- Follow Zlatko to the Basement
- Alice Attracted By Odd Noises
- Climb Into the Machine
- Kara Is Being Reset
- The following are side options independent of whether Kara is reset or she escapes
Free Monsters - important for later
- Enter Storage Room
- Free the Bear
- Enter Bathroom
- Bathroom Android is Loud
- Kill OR Spare
- Bathroom Android is Loud
- Read Arctic Tensions
- Read Androids Alter Brain (If Connor chased Kara in On the Run)
- Read AX400 on the Run (If Kara evaded the police in On the Run)
- Out of Time
- Escape Before Being Reset
- Sneak Through House - leads to Search the House for Alice below
- Kara is Reset
- Obey Your New Master
- Go See Luther
- Bring the Tray to Zlatko
- Drop the Android Torso
- Explore the House to Recover Memory
- Recall Offering Coat
- Recall Alice's Book (If Kara saw the Alice in Wonderland book in her room in A New Home)
- Observe Monsters' Cell
- See a Kid Through the Door Hole
- Recall Discussion With Zlatko
- Recall Todd's Red Ice Pipe (If Kara washed Todd’s clothes in A New Home)
- Recall Escape (Magazine Article AX400 on the Run)
- See Newsflash of Escape (If Kara either robbed the supermarket in Fugitives or ran from the police in On the Run)
- Recall rA9 Symbols (If Kara saw Ralph carve the symbols in Fugitives)
- Recall Squat Fireplace (If Kara chose to stay in the squat in Fugitives)
- Recall Changing Appearance
- The following are side options independent of whether Kara is reset or she escapes
- Search House for Alice
- Check Fireplace Embers
- Check TV
- Check Empty Shotgun
- RA9
- Alice Found (checkpoint)
- Luther Goes to Collect Alice
- Enter Main Room
- Hide under Table
- Hide in Closet
- Get Spotted
- Set Fire to House
- Burning Down the House
- Enter Bedroom
- Hide Under Bed
- Hide in Closet
- Get Spotted - see above
- Go Through Corridor
- Kara & Alice Escape to the Yard - see below
- Get Spotted - see above
- Go Through Bathroom
- Bathroom Android Alerts Zlatko
- Kill OR Spare[fn 1]
- Get Spotted - see above
- Sneak Through Storage Room
- Open Bear Cage
- Get Spotted - see above
- Zlatko Closes In
- Leave Hiding Spot OR Bear Attacks Zlatko and Protects Kara
- Bathroom Android Alerts Zlatko
- Kara Reaches the Stairs
- Kara & Alice Escape to the Yard
- Zlatko Catches Up
- Luther Kills Zlatko OR The Monsters Ambush Zlatko
- Luther Joins Kara & Alice
Public Opinion[]
- Turning on the TV if Kara was chased by Connor in On the Run
Attention to Detail[]
Things you can do with little to no story impact:
- Reassuring Alice. (If you reassure her after talking to Zlatko, Kara will say “Come on, Alice”)
- You can try to pull the yellow cord, but it’ll have no affect on the machine.
- You can try to go to the garden.
- You can also try to exit the house.
- If you try to leave while reset the game will tell you to back to your master, but if you aren’t reset, you’ll be told to look for Alice.
- A list of things you can look at in Zlatko's house before going to the basement:
- a stuffed ostrich, bookshelf, a classical portrait in the entry
- an altar with two skulls in front of panels of Jesus Christ[1], another bookshelf, a view from a front window, a view from a back window in the living room
- Zlatko himself has traces of Blue Blood on his hands and forearm, possibly from recent Android experimentation
- If you spared the Bathtub Android, he will try to alert Zlatko but if you react quickly enough, Zlatko will not be notified.
- If the Polar Bear is set free and isn’t shot by Zlatko, it can later on be seen exiting the mansion in the background.
- When Zlatko asks if Kara is a deviant, she answers "Yes.", and then he asks "What about her?" while pointing at Alice, and he is disturbed when Kara answers "She's human.". This is another clue towards Alice not being human.
- If Kara still has her uniform and has her memory erased, her name will not show up on her uniform until she regains her memory.
- There is a second chance to free the bear as Kara tries to sneak away.
- If you didn’t see the Bathtub Android he’ll yell “Who, who, who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Androids, androids, you are androids. That's for sure. Yes, yes, androids must obey. Yep, yep, yep, you do not. You, you disobey. I must tell the Master. Yes, yes. I, I, I will tell the Master, yes. That's for sure. Yes, it's not right.” but if you saw and spared the Bathtub Android he’ll yell “You're disobeying the Master. You're disobeying the Master, I, I, I, I can't let you do that. I must warn him. Yes, yes, yes. That's for sure. Master. Yes. I must warn him.” and then will alert Zlatko saying “THEY'RE HERE! THEY'RE HERE! COME QUICKLY! COME QUICKLY! THEY'RE HERE! THEY'RE HERE! COME QUICKLY! COME QUICKLY!” which will get you spotted if you stay too long otherwise if you already killed him he won’t say anything.
- Unlocking the "spare" option requires failing the "kill android" QTE by quickly tapping R1 when facing the android, then failing the "open door" QTE by pushing up on the right stick and not completing the rotation.
- It is possible for the polar bear android to exit the mansion alive if you set fire or fail the last QTE if you start the chase.
- The Monster Androids can later appear in the recall center if Kara got captured.
- The TV can show three different reports, depending on Kara's previous actions.
- If Kara robbed the convenience store she will get one of two videos, depending on:
- If she robbed it in the clothes she stole from the laundromat she is presumed human. While the possibility she's 'the missing AX400' is considered.
- This video does not lower Public Opinion, like the other two. Implying the public was skeptical that an android robbed a store.
- If she robbed the store in her android uniform. Interestingly the reporter will say an almost identical script, with the sentences reordered and a few words changed,
- If they were spotted, their will be report on them crossing the highway. This version contains an 'unconfirmed report' that they were both 'defective androids' a statement that raises a lot of questions for first time and repeat players alike.
- If she robbed it in the clothes she stole from the laundromat she is presumed human. While the possibility she's 'the missing AX400' is considered.
- If Kara robbed the convenience store she will get one of two videos, depending on:
- At the end of this chapter, the players originally had the option to not take Luther.[2]
- One of Zlatko's screens in the basement shows human instead of android anatomy, most notably DNA and an X chromosome.
- On the second floor of Zlatko's house, there are a large number of moving androids. Apparently, they are still alive and aware of their surroundings, despite being burned, bent, dismembered and more. Very few of them seem capable of more than slight motion and none appear to be able to walk, making them both easy to miss in the rush to survive and unlikely to survive the fire.
- This chapter bears a few similarities to the chapter "The Doc" from another Quantic Dream game Heavy Rain.
- Both Madison Paige and Kara are restrained and have to find a way to escape or else they can die. (Kara being reset or killed if she fails to dodge Zlatko's shotgun blasts while being chased and Madison being killed if she doesn't escape or loses the fight with Adrian Baker)
- Also, the fight between Kara and Zlatko resembles the fight between Ethan Mars and Brad Silver in the chapter "The Shark" since the two protagonists are hunted down with a shotgun.
- Both Zlatko and Adrian can be left alive without being punished, leaving them as Karma Houdini's, but Kara can't escape without Zlatko dying.
- Both Madison Paige and Kara are restrained and have to find a way to escape or else they can die. (Kara being reset or killed if she fails to dodge Zlatko's shotgun blasts while being chased and Madison being killed if she doesn't escape or loses the fight with Adrian Baker)
- ↑ These are icons in the Eastern Orthodox Church.
- ↑ Bryan Dechart's Twitch Mod & Community Manager's Twitter
Chapters played as Connor (in chronological order) - The Hostage | Partners | The Interrogation | Waiting for Hank... | On the Run | The Nest | Russian Roulette | The Eden Club | The Bridge | Public Enemy | Meet Kamski | Last Chance, Connor | Crossroads | Night of the Soul | Battle for Detroit Chapters played as Markus (in chronological order) - Shades of Color | The Painter | Broken | From the Dead | Jericho | Time to Decide | Spare Parts | The Stratford Tower | Capitol Park | Freedom March | Crossroads | Night of the Soul | Battle for Detroit Chapters played as Kara (in chronological order) - The Opening | A New Home | Stormy Night | Fugitives | On the Run | Zlatko | The Pirates' Cove | Midnight Train | Crossroads | Battle for Detroit |
- ↑ Unlocking the "spare" option requires failing the "kill android" QTE by quickly tapping R1 when facing the android, then failing the "open door" QTE by pushing up on the right stick and not completing the rotation.